School/Church Events

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Energized Games bringing the fun to School and Church Events

    Lighthouse Elementary Fun Fair 2016

    The Lighthouse Elementary Fun Fair 2016 was the best yet. This major event had bounce houses, slides and face painting along with plenty of food for everyone! The Energized Games Theater and our Laser Tag Crew were set up for all to enjoy. What A Wonderful Time everyone had.     [...]

    By |2017-03-29T11:40:05-04:00November 9th, 2016|Categories: School/Church Events|Tags: |3 Comments

      Christ Fellowship Block Party 2016

      Christ Fellowship Block Party 2016 The Christ Fellowship Block Party is the BIGGEST Wednesday Night of the year and includes live music, inflatables, games and a message all around the gospel. This year featuring The Energized Games Mobile Video Game Theater!  What an Amazing Event it was.  

      By |2017-03-29T11:40:10-04:00September 1st, 2016|Categories: School/Church Events|Tags: , |3 Comments
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      Roosevelt Middle Honor Roll Block Party

      Roosevelt Middle School's Honor Roll Block Party was a great hit. All this years Honor roll students were allowed to participate in the fun activities. The Energized Games Theater was there pumping out the video game fun. This was a great incentive for students and I think next years group will be even bigger.

      By |2016-03-02T10:29:33-05:00November 13th, 2015|Categories: School/Church Events|Tags: |0 Comments
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      Chabad of Boca Raton Celebration 2015

      Chabad of Boca Raton Celebration 2015 was another great time for family and friends to all come together. The Energized Games Theater supplied the high tech entertainment for everyone to enjoy. Smiles were everywhere :D

      By |2015-12-27T09:34:35-05:00October 1st, 2015|Categories: School/Church Events|Tags: |0 Comments
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      Chabad of Lake Worth Celebration 2015

      Chabad of Lake Worth Celebration 2015 was an great time for families of the local Synagogue. Parents and kids all joined in for some fun. The Energized Games Theater was there along with the mobile Icee truck. What a celebration it was!

      By |2015-12-04T12:18:36-05:00September 30th, 2015|Categories: School/Church Events|Tags: |0 Comments
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      Trinity UMC student Kick Off

      Trinity UMC student Kick Off was a great evening for all who attended. Our Laser Tag division on hand to help supply some engaging entertainment. With the churches custom barriers all set up the battles commenced. Laser beams were flying everywhere. What an Epic time everyone had!

      By |2015-08-27T10:46:42-04:00August 16th, 2015|Categories: School/Church Events|Tags: |0 Comments
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